Saturday, October 18, 2008

Website Redesign...

I finally finished my website redesign! I can't tell you how happy this makes me. It's much simpler and easier for me to update. Less that can go wrong, I hope. Anyway, here's a quick link if you'd like to check it out.

My website isn't the only thing I've been trying to simplify. I've been updating business files and trying to get ready for the holidays and eventually tax time. It's hard for creative types like me to focus on business. I hate paperwork and I procrastinate like crazy. I've gotten a lot done in the last few days though, and I'm proud of myself.

If you are one of those people that follow the handmade lampwork bead section on eBay you've probably noticed how it's slowed down. Many of the regular sellers are not there. I'm sure it's due to the economy and the fact is, people don't have the money to spend on extras. This is why I haven't listed many auctions lately. I think my time may be better spent working on less expensive items that people are more likely to afford. I've made bunches of purse pendants and they sell very quickly. I'll be thinking up some new items also for gift giving before the holidays.
Be sure to visit my new website design and let me know if I can create something for YOU.....

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