Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Ebay Auction. It's been a while....

I haven't had an Ebay auction in months and, I have to admit, I miss the daily excitement of checking on the bidding progress.

I was looking at shopping ads in the Sunday paper a few days ago and there seemed to be an apparent theme for the deptartment store ads. Woodstock. Yep, can you believe it? 40 years... Wow, does that bring back a flood of memories! 1969. That was the summer I was 15 years old. How I wished that I could go to Woodstock and experience all the music, peace, sun, and BOYS!..... But, I lived on the other side of the country and being only 15 years old my parents would never have allowed such a thing.

Well, all this Woodstock business sort of inspired me to make a huge bead set. I got started and then I didn't want to stop. I worked on the set for 2 full days and then it took another full day for taking photos, writing the auction, and then trying to remember all the details to post an auction on Ebay. I was a little rusty but I think I got it. I just had to revise it one time and that was to add a photo of the original Woodstock poster so you can compare it with my likeness of the guitar on my large focal bead which, by the way, I'm very proud of.

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