It just keeps piling up! One storm after another and no end in site.
I love snow........but only before Christmas. And only if I don't have to drive in it. I don't have to drive in it this year but my husband does. He has a very long commute on snowy, frozen freeways. People in our neck of the woods don't know how to drive in the snow because we don't have it often enough to get much practice. So that means the roads are a very dangerous place to be and things pretty much come to a standstill. It's a good thing my shopping is done. I haven't made any beads the last few days either. It's just too cold in my studio/garage. A couple days ago the temperature dropped to 1 degree. It's up to about 30 right now. The only thing to do is hunker down and enjoy it....
Enjoy the Holidays everyone!